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Kingman Lake, DC: Snowy Egrets, 34 Great Egrets


Wayne Baumgartner


Wayne Baumgartner


Tue, 27 Jul 2010 22:46:17 -0400

For the past couple of weeks I have been seeing 10-20 Great Egrets roosting
in trees on the east side of Kingman Island just north of the East Capitol
Street bridge when I drive by after work at about 7:30-8pm.  Inspired by all
the reports of rare waders hanging out with Great Egrets recently, I decided
to check out these roosting birds for rarities this evening.

I walked up onto the bridge and found 4 Great Egrets along with 3 Snowy
Egrets in the marsh to the west of Heritage Island.  Between Heritage Island
and Kingman Island there were ~9 Great Egrets roosting (with one Great
Blue), and on the east side of Kingman Island there were 21 Great Egrets
roosting, for a total of 34 Great Egrets.

   -Wayne Baumgartner

     Washington, DC