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Blue Mash fox sparrow, orange-crowned warbler


sally wech


sally wech


Fri, 5 Nov 2010 12:30:40 -0700

Early walk at Blue Mash revealed numerous sparrows and such and then several overflights of a small helicopter scattered them all not to be seen again.

  Among the birds sparrows seen were white throated, white crowned, song, a one fox.  An orange crowned warbler was working the low bushes just a few inches above the ground.  A few ruby -crowned kinglets were also seen.  Several yellow (eastern) palm warblers were also seen quite well and only a couple of yellowrumps.  A few mallards and ruddy ducks were seen on the small pond with many geese and one pied billed grebe - no birds were seen on the large pond.

  Two marsh harriers treated us with long looks though the hordes of crows were really harassing the harriers and the red -shouldered hawk.  The red tailed hawks were apparently too high for the crows to bother with.

  Quite a delightful morning.

Sally wech
silver spring, md