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FW: Little Bennett birds


Suzanne Richman


Suzanne Richman


Wed, 23 May 2012 00:09:49 -0400

Forwarded from Marie Plante


Here are the results of this morning's Little Bennett bird 
walk along the Kingsley School trail and uphill to the meadow.  After the 
others left, I crossed Rte 121 and walked almost to the creek and picked up a 
few species, which I will mark with an asterisk.  
Gt. blue heron 
Turkey vultures
Black vultures
Mourning dove*
Yellow-billed cuckoo (heard)
Chimney swift
Ruby-throated hummingbirds (2)
Northern flicker
Pileated woodpecker
Red-bellied woodpeckers
Downy woodpecker (heard)
Eastern kingbird
Gt. crested flycatcher (heard)
Eastern phoebe
Eastern wood-pewee (several heard)
Unidentified Empidonax flycatcher
Tree swallow*
Barn swallow*
Purple martin
Blue jays
American crows
Carolina chickadees
Tufted titmouse (several)
Carolina wren (several)
Gray catbirds
Wood thrush (several singing)
poss. Gray-cheeked thrush*
Eastern bluebird*
Blue-gray gnatcatcher (several)
Cedar waxwings
European starlings*
White-eyed vireo (heard)*
Yellow-throated vireo (heard)
Blue-headed vireo (heard)
Red-eyed vireo (several singing)
Northern Parula warblers (heard)
Yellow warbler (heard
Blackpoll warbler 
Prairie warblers (too many to count)
Ovenbird (at least 3 heard)
Louisiana waterthrush (heard)
Common yellowthroats (several)
Yellow-breasted chat (3 heard)
Common grackle*
Scarlet tanager (at least 3 heard, 1 seen)
Northern cardinals
Indigo buntings (several)
American goldfinches
Rufous-sided towhee (several heard, 1 seen)
Chipping sparrow (heard)*
Field sparrows (several heard)
50 species
Suzanne Richman

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