Date: 11/29/12 6:35 pm
From: Quailcoveyfarm <quailcoveyfarm...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Re-word of reply to Ruff Sighting

In the last few days I and others have observed persons observing the ruff that have shown no regards toward private property, property owner concerns and signs that have been posted have been disregarded. The property has been purposely groomed, planted and maintain for private enjoyment and hunting of wildlife. When groups of 4 or more vehicles park next to ponds , people with orange hunting caps stand, walk back and forth down roadways any geese, ducks, swans or wildlife which were on ponds leave and any geese (example a huge flock came in the other day landed in pond where birders weren't stalking and another group which normally land in the rt 481 pond flared and went off to another location because 3 to 4 people were standing in plain sight) will not land. But a landowner who voiced his concerns was told oh we don't disturb wildlife. Off road vehicles tearing across fields four wheeling thru standing water is a common ocurrance and should not be disturbing when the landowner has EVERY Right to do as she wishes on her property. If someone had asked permission in the first place a location would probably have been suggested to not bother what wildlife was there but when a landowner told of his concern he was told They were on state property they could do as they pleased. This local should warn that any more trespassing or parking along roadways which as the police have stated is a hazard shall be reported to local law enforcement officials. A suggestion in the future make a effort in regards to asking permission instead of causing hard feelings. Remember if it wasn't for the so called hostile locals who have spent a large amount of money on this great habitat the birds would not be here. I know adjacent owners and the property owner makes every effort usually not to disturb any wildlife and goes out of their way toward not going onto the property unless ducks, geese have left to feed. Please respect private owners concerns bet you could observe a lot more birds if you do so. As a " local" we love and will protect our wildlife.

A Local
Queen Anne, Maryland
