Date: 12/15/12 10:22 am
From: Gail B. Mackiernan %<3Ckatahdinss...>%3E <katahdinss...>
Subject: [MDBirding] 2 Ravens, Vesper Sparrow on Triadelphia CBC

HI all,

Just returned from an exhausting morning chasing hoards of sparrows over hill and dale (and through brambles) in upper Northwest Branch Park near the Capital Trolley Museum (Montgomery Co.). Quite a few nice birds but the best was a VESPER SPARROW seen by Barry as it flushed away amongst a flock of Song and White-throats, flashing its white outer tail feathers, and two COMMON RAVENS flying about and perched on the trolley electrical poles. I saw them exchange a stick which might be courting behavior, so bears watching. We had one Raven up there earlier this fall, but never two before. They might be looking at that ridiculous cell tower dolled up to look like a giant (& very fake) tree! We have had Vesper Sparrows there in spring and autumn off and on over the years, and one year several stayed late but not quite into the earliest CBC period. Got lucky this year. Also saw about 10 Fox Sparrows and managed to relocate the Catbird from yesterday as well.

Now have to regroup and go out to another location...

Gail Mackiernan
Colesville, MD
