Date: 2/28/13 12:08 pm
From: Daniel Rauch <danrauch11...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Waterbirds highlights on the Potomac River in DC today

Washington Channel -
Cackling goose - 1
Bufflehead - 2
Horned Grebe - 1
Black-crowned night heron - 9
Lesser scaup - raft of 2000 +

East Potomac Park -
Horned grebe - 2
Comon loon - 1 (just south of Memorial Bridge)

Chain Bridge -
Gadwall -2 (beautiful pair in larger pond)
Common merganser - 1

Fletcher's Cove/C&O canal
Wood duck - 4 (2 pair)

Constitution Gardens
Ring-necked Duck - 53
Bufflehead - 10
Ruddy duck - 4
American coot - 1

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