Date: 3/24/13 4:16 pm
From: Harry Armistead <harryarmistead...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Private property problems

The Common Snipe syndrome occurs often enough so that it may behoove us to get expert, informed opinion. Some of us must be attorneys or transportation workers who can say for sure if we have a legal right to park on a road shoulder. Probably varies with the road shoulder, as per the Ruff last fall. Let's hear from you.

In some situations I am tempted to say to the plaintiff: "Your time is too valuable to waste on this matter. If I am doing something wrong call the police." ??

On the other hand it can get dangerous. Even though I had written permission from the landowners to be on 2 properties in 1969 when I was banding on Meekins Neck Road, a man who was drunk and armed accused me of sending messages to the communists on the bird bands. How do you deal with irrational hostility such as this?

Another time in rural Delaware a man repeatedly rammed the back of our car at 3 A.M. When we stopped he said, among other things, that he was a hunter and tried to punch our driver.

In this connection the man who lives in the big house on Robinson Neck Road (west side) on Taylor's Island, in ADC Dorchester County county atlas, Map 18, coordinates K12-13, is very hostile.

As they used to say on 'Hill Street Blues,' "be careful out there." - Harry Armistead, Philadelphia.
