Re: A list of possibles to finish off the year

Gary A. Griffith (
Sat, 15 Nov 97 07:01:43 PST

Norm and Fran,

I'd say from the looks of the list that visits to Ocean City and Conowingo are definitely in order.  I'll be out this morning trying to nail down crossbills for some of our folks, so I'll post right away if I locate them.  I'm assuming anywhere in Maryland is OK ?

> Tyler Bell asked me to compile a hit-list that he might be able to
> help us with during our visit to Southern Maryland after
> Thanksgiving.  After putting together the list, I've decided that 400 
> species is still most definitely doable, so I thank you, Tyler, for
> prodding me to do the record-work necessary.
> Following is a list of 28 species, none of them true accidentals,
> that are all possible at this time of year in Maryland (but not
> necessarily in the habitats presented in Southern Maryland).  A few
> of them are simple and I don't see how I missed them.  A few, notably 
> the owls, just take a bit of work on our part to locate.  The rest
> are pretty much luck shots but they occur often enough that if Fran
> and I are willing to do some driving, we should be able to come up
> with the 7 missing species.
> Here they are:
> Red-necked Grebe               Eurasian Wigeon
> King Eider                     Common Eider
> Harlequin Duck                 Oldsquaw (should be easy)
> Northern Goshawk               Little Gull
> Black-headed Gull              Thayer's Gull
> Iceland Gull                   Glaucous Gull
> Black-legged Kittiwake         Barn Owl
> Great Horned Owl               Snowy Owl
> Barred Owl                     Long-eared Owl
> Northern Saw-whet Owl          Winter Wren (how have we missed it??)
> Sedge Wren                     Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow
> Fox Sparrow (another gimme?)   Lapland Longspur
> Yellow-headed Blackbird        Red Crossbill
> Common Redpoll                 Evening Grosbeak
> So, there it is folks.  Can you help us out?
> Cheers,
> Norm
> P.S.  I need 7 to make 400.  We need to see about 17 for Fran to hit 
>       it...grin.
> ===============
> Norm Saunders
> Colesville, MD