National Audubon's phone number

Saunders_N (Saunders_N@BLS.GOV)
Thu, 11 Dec 1997 10:27:43 -0500

Tom Loomis wrote:

> Re NAS phone number - local is 202-547-9009


I called that number and got an irate message on an answering machine
saying that this was a private residence and had no connection
whatsoever with the NAS...grin.

So, here are the results of my research:

Washington DC NAS number (confirmed): 202-861-2242.

New York NAS phone number (also confirmed): 212-979-3000.

If you are calling about missing Christmas Count issues or screwed up
sets of compiler materials, ask to speak with either Susan Drennan or
Jeff LeBaron (at the New York number) and be prepared to speak to an
answering machine.



Norman C. Saunders
Colesville, MD