Re: Common Gull

Phil Davis (
Sat, 03 Jan 1998 19:58:26 -0500

Hi Bob !

I would like a copy for the MD/DC Records Committee.



At 07:49 PM 01/03/1998 -0800, you wrote:
>I was at Conowingo Dam with Greg Miller, Alan Bromberg, and 
>others.  We observed the Common Gull at the base of the dam flying 
>between the breakwater and the Harford shoreline.  Greg first spotted it 
>at 1150 and we watched it continuously until 1225 when we left with the 
>bird still present.  I have about 7.5 minutes of good video of the bird 
>if anyone is interested in a copy.
>				Bob Ringler

Phil Davis

home:	Davidsonville, Maryland, USA
work:		Greenbelt,     Maryland, USA