Re: off to see the crossbills

Stephen G Sanford (
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 21:14:25 -0500

Hello Andy, and other crossbill questers,

I live  nearby the Liberty Lake crossbills, and I have tried to keep up
with them, either in person or by talking with other birders. Pine Knob
Rd seems to be the best site lately. Although crossbills have been seen
there at almost any time of day, it seems that most of the sightings
have been between 8:00 and 11:00 in the last few weeks, and thinning
out, unfortunately. (I also encountered some about a mile or two south
of there two and three weekends ago.) The Deer Park Rd site always
seemed to be best in fairly early morning, and not very productive
lately, although I did hear of a sighting of a few Red Crossbills there
last weekend.

Good luck on your chase, and keep us posted.

Steve Sanford
Randallstown MD