Fort Smallwood
24 Mar 98 11:34:00 (-0500)

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     Although Fort Smallwood Hawk Watch wasn't as productive number wise  
     Saturday, Sunday or Monday as it can be, the close views and good 
     variety made it very rewarding.  In addition, hundreds of Greater 
     Scaup mixed with a few Lesser Scaup fairly close to shore so that a 
     nice study of them could be made.  Several hundred Ruddy Ducks were 
     also fairly close to shore and they are changing into their breeding 
     plumage.  Lesser numbers of Buffleheads, Goldeneyes, Red-breasted 
     Mergansers, Wood Ducks, Canvasbacks, Horned Grebes, Oldsquaws, 
     Bonapartte's and Laughing Gulls were seen in addition to two 
     cooperative Otters.  Happy Birding, Dan Eberly  
