Re: Nebraska

Gyrfal (
Mon, 30 Mar 1998 19:25:24 EST

Steve - Thanks for your note.  After some flaming, it was nice to read that
someone appreciated my opinions and information.  I like to know what others
think of birding spots, as well as nearby motels and restaurants.  Some are
good and some not so good.  

Nebraska is expertly marketed.  I was very impressed with their colorful and
nicely laid out brochures and other materials.  Perhaps that was why I was so
disappointed with the experience.  Oh and BTW, virtually everyone we met out
there were fine folks.  Just what one would expect in the mid-West.  We also
enjoyed a terrific local pioneer museum.  

There are many types of birders and I think all are legitimate.  I do not buy
into the concept of "real" birders that filled the internet a few months back
re the ABA.  I am a "big tenter".  So I am open to the idea that people who
enjoy birding in rather large groups might well enjoy the Wings Over the
Platte experience.

Bob Mumford