Mississippi Kites, Pt. Lookout, MD, 5/17/98

Norm Saunders (osprey@ARI.Net)
Mon, 18 May 1998 20:34:40 -0500

From: BELL@say.acnatsci.org
Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 14:53:25 -0400 (EDT)
To: md-smas-general@list.audubon.org, mdosprey@ari.NET,
        birder@www.lightind.com, jlstasz@aol.com
Subject: Mississippi Kites, Pt. Lookout, MD, 5/17/98

Jane Kostenko and I were birding at Pt. Lookout State
Park, MD this morning, 5/17/98. At about 10:00 a.m.
we were in the picnic area when we saw an adult
MISSISSIPPI KITE fly overhead, toward the Potomac
then out of sight to the south. Jack and Paula
Sullivan from Alexandria, VA, were also present.
Fellow birder Bob Boxwell arrived shortly after
and while trying to relocate the bird, we found
3 more! These birds were also flying south over
the point and to the south. We are unsure if there
were 3 or 4 birds total but there were at least
3. Has anyone in Woodbridge lost any kites?!

There is no question about the identification of
these birds as Jane and I just saw several hundred
of them in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas in April
while attending the ABA convention there.

Good Birding!
Tyler Bell and Jane Kostenko
bell@acnatsci.org & jkostenko@osprey.smcm.edu
California, MD