Fort Smallwood Park May 5 - 18 98

Sue Ricciardi (
Mon, 18 May 1998 22:28:45 -0400

Fort Smallwood is located on the western edge of the
Chesapeake Bay at the mouth of the Patapsco River,
about 11 miles south of Baltimore, MD.  All numbers
are unofficial.

Fort Smallwood	5/5-5/18 1998

   	5/5-8	5/13	5/14	5/15	5/16	5/17	5/18	Tot
HRS	12.3	3	5.6	7	5.5	3.5	4.5	373	

BV   								256
TV	1		1	9	40		       3613
OS	6	1	2	8	6	2	5	380
BE					2	1	 	 73
NH						3		138 
SS  	49	14	23	34	30	8	2      2555
CH	3	2		6	7		1	491
NG								  2
RS	         	  	     		    	   	161 	
BW	2		4	22	165	16	3	884 	
RT				1	2			382	
AK					1			368	
ML			1					 29
PG					1		 	  8
U			  	   		    	 	 28

TOT 	61	17	31	80	254	30	 11    9370

The bald eagle count is problematic. Due to a large
wintering roost and nesting pairs in the vicinity,
it is unclear how many are migrants, and this number
is likely to be adjusted downward.

Well, we went from 12 days with rain to cloudless days
with light winds, but who's complaining? (Let's change
the subject.) We are now eagerly searching the skies for
kites - the untethered ones. Common Nighthawks arrived
on 5/14, with 58 counted on 5/16.

Sue Ricciardi, compiler