Alder Flycatcher in VA, 7/29

Wed, 29 Jul 98 14:06:00 EDT

Barry and I ventured out to Leesburg Virginia this morning, to check out the
Alder Flycatcher reported from the Greenway Wetlands mitigation area. We
followed the directions on Voice of the Naturalist -- stopping about 100 yds
beyond the first gate (which is marked with a large sign Dulles Greenway
Wetlands Mitigation project). We heard the bird almost immediately, sort of a
nasal fizz-bee-uh, rather less loud than a Willow FC would have been at the
same distance. We finally located the bird perched on the tip of a small
tree, and could see it well in the Questar at about 45-60x. The two wing bars,
apparent lack of eyering, rather white throat, yellowish lower mandible could
be noted. The bird continued to sing and fly a bit from tree to several dead
snags, all at about 150 yards distance.

As you look across the wet meadow, there is a very short yellow bush in front
of the line of young trees/shrubs. The bird seemed to favor song perches
just to the left and right of this little bush.

Other species seen/heard included Yellowthroat, YBChat, Blue Grosbeak, Orchard
Oriole, Savannah Sparrow and (as we were turning around to leave) Willow
Flycatcher further up the road. The latter's Fitz-bew! seemed more emphatic
and strong than the call of the Alder. It was interesting to me that neither
of the two men present could easily hear the third syllable of the Alder's
call except at its closest, while I could hear it clearly (though faint). But
its first two notes are different enough from Willow to pique a birder's

Cheers, Gail Mackiernan