Cylburn Arboretum - Balto, Sun Sep 13

Steve Sanford (
Sun, 13 Sep 1998 17:34:42 -0400

The regular Sunday morning walk of the Baltimore Bird Club at Cylburn
Arboretum, near Pimlico Race Track in Baltimore was quite productive
this morning, with repeated little waves of warblers (12 species).

Some highlights, with estimated minimum count were:
Broad-wg Hawk                 2
Red-Shoul Hawk                1
Pileated Woodpecker          1
R-t Hummingbird               1
Veery                                1
Wood Thrush                    1
Brown Thrasher                1
Nashville Warbler              1  (excellent close views)
Parula                               1
Chestnut Sided Warbler     4
Magnolia Warbler              2
B-t Blue Warbler               2
B-t Green Warbler             3
Blackburnian Warbler        3
Blackpoll Warbler              1 (a beautiful look at the fall plumage)
Black-and-white Warbler    1
Redstart                            2
Yellowthroat                     3
Canada Warbler                1

Incidentally, one of the participants also mentioned seeing large
numbers of Broadwings (50-100??) rising up from their roost in the
morning Sat Sep 12 at Cromwell Valley Park, east of Towson. He also saw
2 (or 4?) Bald Eagles there. This is a few miles north of Kevin Graff's
"Backyard Hawk Watch."

Steve Sanford
Randallstown MD