Re: Sunday walk at Dyke Marsh, Alexandria, VA -Reply

Howard Elitzak (helitzak@MAILBOX.ECON.AG.GOV)
Mon, 28 Sep 1998 17:12:04 -0400

I'm not sure it would be a good idea to rename the marsh, even in honor
of the renowned Louis Halle.  Such a practice sets a bad precedent, and
invites confusion as familiar places acquire new (and sometimes
politically motivated) designations.  For example, I have yet to meet a
birder who refers to Brigantine as Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife
Refuge.  This change was made in the mid-1980's (during the Reagan
years) to memorialize a New Jersey Republican congressman who was
(supposedly) a strong environmental advocate.

While I disagree with your proposal, I do think that the nature trail which
runs through the marsh (currently known as the Haul Road) could be
appropriately designated as the Louis Halle Nature Trail, and would serve
as a fitting tribute to this great naturalist.

>>>On 09/28/98 at 06:43am, you wrote:>>>
Speaking of Dyke Marsh -

I've been thinking that it would be wonderful to re-name Dyke Marsh for
Louis Halle, author of Spring in Washington, who recently passed away. 

I think it would take the support of ANS, MOS, and VOS, but does anyone
happen to know who owns Dyke Marsh?  Is it federal property?

Would anyone be willing to help me get the ball rolling by contacting
VOS?  I'll contact ANS, and perhaps anyone who is active in MOS can
contact the appropriate person.

Ellen Paul
chevy chase, MD 
Ellen Paul           Chevy Chase,MD