Rock Creek today 9/30

Wed, 30 Sep 98 19:33:40 EDT

Things didn't start very auspiciously this morning, it was pouring rain when
we got to picnic area 17/18! After about a half hour of reading the paper and
sipping coffee, the rain stopped and we could bird. The birding was brief
but fun -- a nice "dawn flight" -- in quotes because the flight was at 8 am
after the rain stopped. Cooperative birds, and nice looks at some warblers,
but you can tell things are starting to tail off. Perhaps the oncoming cold
front will close the door on the early migrants...

Warblers: Black-and white (6), Black-throated Green (6), Parula (4), Nashville
(1), Tennessee (1), Black-throated Blue (2), Redstart (2), Common Yellowthroat
(8). Others: Eastern Woodpewee (1), Eastern Phoebe (1), Ruby-crowned Kinglet
(2), Scarlet Tanager (2), Rosebreasted Grosbeak (1), Indigo Bunting (4),
Chipping Sparrow (2). Lots of Blue Jays and Robins overhead.

As sometimes happens, the morning flight was essentially it and it was very
slow after that, we went home early.

Gail Mackiernan and Barry Cooper