
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 17:22:54 EST

I witnessed an imm. Cooper's Hawk miss 3 times today in my backyard. It was
the same bird, having a distinctive mottling on the back.  The first time it
tried for two doves on the birdbath and then circled back to the feeders for
some others.  It then lurked around the yard for at least ten minutes.  I shot
some video of that. About two hours later (1:30pm) it flashed through the yard
after a cardinal.  Then at 4 o'clock it tried for 15 minutes to flush some
sparrow out of the bushes.  Being a stay-at-home Dad isn't all bad.  I have
seen 4 adult accipiters strike or devour birds, but have never seen a
successful attack by an imm.

Tom Beal
Glenn Dale, MD

PS Four more misses and it can be a Redskin.