Huntley Meadows Park, Feb. 5

David Bridge (
Fri, 5 Feb 99 17:48:08

Had a nice little walk at Huntley Meadows Park this morning.
The water level is full again, thanks to the recent rains, as well
as the great work of the local engineers, the beavers.
This might be good for the waterfowl over the next six weeks,
and maybe not so good for the King Rails.

Waterfowl:  Mallards, Green-wing Teals, Gadwalls, Hooded Mergansers,
one drake Pintail, Coots.

A nearly adult Bald Eagle passed over and put up all the waterfowl.
Interesting that he can spook them so easily.

And best bird of the day, as I was leaving, was a female Merlin at about 
8:40am.  The Merlin had what appeared to be a dead White-thd. Sparrow.
The Merlin was sitting in the top of a dead tree on the right about 
75 yards passed the beginning of the boardwalk.  It has been reported by
others, but still nice to find it yourself.

yours, David Bridge