Spring Warblers

Elizabeth Winter (ewinter@newmex.com)
Sat, 03 Apr 1999 07:43:26 -0700

I've just been checking out the Cornell Ornithology website, which
includes the "Warbler Watch".  I've been noticing a lot more "chat"
warbler reports than have been posted there.

It's pretty interesting to look at the bigger picture.  It's helpful
in planning my upcoming trip, as eastern spring warblers are
unfamiliar to me.  It would be a lot more helpful if there were more
reports submitted to the website.  For purposes a good deal more
significant than my personal travel and amusement, it's even more
worthwhile to put your data in.

That's my pitch.  Here's the URL:  http://birdsource.cornell.edu
Elizabeth Winter
Taos, New Mexico

"If we don't change direction, we'll end up where we're heading."
 --   Reuben Snake