Heron lays an egg

Peter Webb (pwebb@bcpl.net)
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 08:08:36 -0700

Night-heron News from Baltimore: egg!

I hope I don't end up with EGG on my face, but while I left for
work this morning, I saw the usual 3 birds standing around the
nest, but upon return home this evening, I saw one bird
SITTING IN the nest! I have concluded that once again my
upstairs "tenants" are in a family way. The family consists
of Mama, a new Papa (last year's male didn't return this year),
and "Junior", a now third-year bird, probably female, probably
the one that hatched two summers ago, and hung around the nest
as a second-year bird late last summer. I don't see how any other
gender or other adult bird would be tolerated, especially with a
new, unrelated adult among the nest holding pair. So, how many
babies will they raise this year? Stay tuned for further developments!

For directions or questions, call (410) 486-1217 or better yet
email pwebb@bcpl.net (home, after 6) or pew@niroinc.com (work,
830-5 M-F).