April 22

Sat, 24 Apr 1999 23:22:41 EDT

had a surprising day on Thursday.  Had to go to Patuxent, so did some birding 
there, went on to North/Ches Beach after and birded around home before & 
after.  When i totalled up the day i had 98 species!  Biggest surprises were 
2 Vesper Sparrows at the PWRC visitor center and a lone male Redhead at C. 
Beach.  Also at N. Beach were 2 S-b Dows and a Semi Sand (along with dozens 
of Leasts).  Figured i'd see if i could fill in the other 2 species on 
Friday, just birding around home, and ended up with 72 species, with a 2-day 
total of  112, including my first Northern Waterthrush of the year.  Never 
broken the 100 mark in April, maybe i'll give it a try.

danny bystrak
jug bay