May Count summary for APG Aberdeen Area (Harford County)

David W. Webb (
Mon, 10 May 1999 00:38:24 -0700


Russ Kovach and I conducted a midnight-to-midnight May Count
at Aberdeen Proving Ground yesterday (5/8).  Highlights included:

Common Loon - 1 flyover
Least Bittern - 1 
Snowy Egret - 1
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 nocturnal flyover
Ruddy Duck - 26, single flock; late for area
Bald Eagle - 24
Wild Turkey - 9, one flock of 4; all others heard singly
King Rail - 2
Virginia Rail - 4
Sora - 3
American Woodcock - 5, some still displaying
Laughing Gull - 2
Common Nighthawk - 4
Whip-poor-will - 18
Blue-headed Vireo - 1, my now-former nemesis bird for APG (phew!)
Hermit Thrush - 1, late for area
Nashville Warbler - 1
Northern Waterthrush - 9, high number
DICKCISSEL - 1 female among a flock of about 30 Bobolinks
Rusty Blackbird - 2, late for area

It was probably the most fun day of birding either of us had
since ever picking up binoculars.  From the Dickcissel to
watching a tom turkey strut about his mate with tail completely
fanned for about ten minutes, it seemed that there was always
something exciting going on.  When the birding is good, you
forget how tired you are.

Every count has its whiffs, and ours was certainly no exception.
For example, we did not come across Rose-breasted Grosbeak,
Prothonotary Warbler, or House Sparrow.  We were also lacking
in many of the transient warblers, such as Blackburnian,
Bay-breasted, and Canada.  Despite only finding 16 species of
warblers, we still managed to find 130 total species for the day.

Only 365 days until the Y2K May Count!

Dave Webb
Havre de Grace, MD