Re: [[MDOsprey] Rock Creek Cell Towers Alert]
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 14:50:07 EDT

I'm still up for having some kind of press event in the morning in the park, 
and I like the notion of having children there (although I haven't any of my 
own to contribute to the effort.)

Another question - and particularly one for all the lawyers out there who 
watch the migrations before work - WHY is it cheaper to put towers on park 
land than private land? Does this imply that the park rights are being given 
to private companies at less than fair market value? If we could jack the 
price of the towers up, that might remove some incentive to build them in the 
park. No?

Also - perhaps we should suggest opening liquor outlets at the entrances to 
Rock Creek Parkway. The thought of the consequences of people chatting on car 
phones and people with a little much to drink driving on a dark, curvy ride 
at night kind of boggles the imagination.

Just a little brain-storming

Ellen Griffith