[MDOsprey] Counting Gulls and Egrets, Potomac R, nr Wilson Bridge, 12/4/99

Sat, 4 Dec 1999 23:28:16 EST


In preparation for the upcoming DC CBC, I stopped at the Dyke Marsh/Belle 
View picnic area (Fairfax Co, VA) at dusk to attempt a gull count on the 
Potomac just south of the Wilson Bridge.  As I soon found, the location was 
not ideal - Jones Pt lighthouse is likely the best spot. (Note that both 
spots mitigate glare concerns from the setting sun.)  I arrived about 1630 
and was finished about 1715.  The tide was high and I initially noted that 
the Potomac off Hunting Creek and the picnic area was dotted with gulls.  I 
started on the Laughing Gulls as they were easily differentiated on the water 
or in flight.  Because the location was less than optimal, I could not 
readily ID the larger gulls, esp Herring.

I counted ca. 6600 gulls total and break it down to the following:

Boneparte's Gull 3
Laughing Gull 1500
Ring-billed Gull 5020
Herring Gull 40
Great-black backed Gull 40

I believe that (1) the numbers are low and (2) the RB Gull count likely 
combines many Herring and some GBB Gulls.  I plan to do some more practice.

Whilst stationed at the picnic area, I noted 8 Great Egrets teeing up on 
posts at Port O'Vecchio.

Kurt Gaskill