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Guinea Bird Famous


Mark Hoffman


Mark Hoffman


Sun, 10 Apr 2005 16:33:23 -0400

My wife calls with that emphatic tone in her voice that must mean some
rarity as appeared at the feeder . an early Indigo Bunting?  The stray
White-crowned Sparrow we often get during spring migration? Or my most
wanted . the Yellow-headed Blackbird??


No, she motions to the newspaper, "you're not going to believe this" she
says.  Glancing to the back page of the Home & Family section of today's
Sunday Sun, I see a color photo of a birder, I instantly recognize -- it's
Gail (a.k.a. Emma, a.k.a. Guinea Bird) Frantz.  My pulse quickens, I can
feel the faintness in my head, I collapse in a pool of cold sweat.  She's
now the spokesperson for the birding community.  


Mark L Hoffman

Sykesville, MD