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BBC Turkey Point Trip, 9/10


Joel Martin



Sun, 11 Sep 2005 21:51:37 EDT

The Baltimore Bird Club's Saturday field trip to Turkey Point produced 
extremes of exhilaration and bewilderment for the five participants. The first hour 
gave us almost all of the birds -- great numbers of warblers, flycatchers, 
vireos, tanagers, grosbeaks, and orioles. The rest of the morning was mostly a 
nice hike. Even the raptors were in short supply, as the forecasted cold front 
apparently fizzled.

We intended to hurry straight through the woods to the first meadow, the 
usual early-morning hotspot, but were repeatedly stopped in our tracks by 
hyperactive, mixed flocks of migrants. Ticking species as we inched along and dazzled 
by the numbers, we finally emerged at the meadow expecting even greater 
rewards. But someone had flicked the on-off switch to "off." Never have I seen the 
activity end so abruptly here. We continued on to the point, finding very 
little along the way. But there was one flock that held the best bird of the day, a 
GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER, which unfortunately was seen by only one observer.

The warblers were:
Nashville - 3
Northern Parula - 1
Chestnut-sided - 5
Magnolia - 20+
Black-throated Blue - 1
Black-throated Green  ~10
Blackburnian - 3
Bay-breasted - 1-2
Black-and-white - 10+
Redstart - 15+
Common Yellowthroat - 3

Other notables:
Osprey - 3
Bald Eagle - 2
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 3
YB Cuckoo - 1
E Screech-Owl - 2
RT Hummingbird - 2
E Wood-Pewee - 10+
Great Crested Flycatcher - 3
Eastern Kingbird - 2, getting late?
WE Vireo  ~5, still singing
RE Vireo - 15+
Brown Thrasher - 2
Scarlet Tanager ~10
RB Grosbeak - 3
Baltimore Oriole - 3

Thanks to everyone who participated and helped to pick out all those 
fast-moving birds.

Joel Martin
Baltimore Bird Club