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23 Warbler species at Rock Creek DC!


"Gail B. Mackiernan "


Gail B. Mackiernan


Wed, 3 May 2006 16:57:42 +0000

Hi all --

Finally some favorable weather/winds for migration and the birds cooperated -- 
quite a few birders as well -- one of those days when you wanted to be in 
several places at once, and couldn't be! Clive Harris posted earlier and we 
stayed on and flogged around a bit, so between us all there were 23 species of 
warblers recorded and if anyone heard the LA Waterthrush this am (on territory 
down on Rock Creek) it would be 24! Also, a few other migrants starting to show, 
so things seem finally on track. Unfortunately the leaves are really sprouting 
as well -- so many birds were heard rather than seen -- that is, I guess I saw 
about 4 B-T Greens but we all agreed we heard about 20 in all! 

Sites visited (all very birdy): Picnic area 17/18, Equitation Field, Stable, 
Maintenance Yard, Nature Ctr, and Military Field.


Black-and-White (8)
Black-throated Blue (12)
Black-throated Green (~20) -- one female was observed gathering nesting material -- bits of fluff and feathers -- at ground level near the Maintenance Yard.
Blackburnian (3)
Blackpoll (2)
Blue-winged (2) 
Cape May (2)
Chestnut-sided (5)
Hooded (2)
Magnolia (1)
Myrtle (~150)
Nashville (2)
Northern Waterthrush (1)
Ovenbird (10)
ORANGE-CROWNED (1, seen by Clive as reported earlier)
Parula (4)
Palm (1, yellow)
Redstart (8)
Tennessee (2)
Wilson's (1, male)
Worm-eating (2, one seen very close singing aong horse trail)
Yellow (1)
Yellowthroat (4)

Other migrants: 

BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO (1, heard only)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (1, HO)
Great  Crested Fkycatcher (2)
Eastern Kingbird (1)
Veery (4)
Wood Thrush (10)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (3)
Scarlet Tanager (8)
Baltimore Oriole (6)
Red-eyed Vireo (8)
Blue-headed Vireo (5)
Yellow-throated Vireo (1, HO)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (5)
Junco (1, late!)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (1)
Indigo Bunting (4)
Barn Swallow (4)
No. Rough-winged Swallow (1)
Cedar Waxwing (10)

Gail Mackiernan and Barry Cooper
Colesville, MD