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Rck Creek Park DC today 9/17


"Gail B. Mackiernan "


Gail B. Mackiernan


Sun, 17 Sep 2006 17:50:20 +0000

Hi all --

David Apgar has already posted that it was (at last!) a good migration day at Rock Creek, and on a number of the goodies seen. Barry and I started out at the ridge (Picnic area 17/18) a little before 7 am and were the only birders for about 30 minutes! (Apparently everyone else was in the Maintenance Yard or near the Nature Center; about the same species were seen). When we arrived there were lots of birds dropping in, we didn't ID all of them by any means. Later we walked down to the Equitation Field, then over to the Yard, Nature Ctr., Military Field and environs. Didn't get home until noon!

Birds seen included: 

Warblers: Black-and-White (8), Baybreasted (1), Black-throated Green (~12, many in one single-species flock at the ridge), Blackpoll (1), Black-throated Blue (2), Canada (1), Chestnut-sided (5), Magnolia (5), Nashville (3), Ovenbird (1), Parula (3), Redstart (8-10), Yellowthroat (~25). Other birders reported Blue-winged, Tennessee, and additional Blackpolls and Baybreasteds.

Other migrants: Eastern Wood-pewee (~10, seemed to be a major movement of these), Phoebe (1), "Traill's" Flycatcher (1), YELLOW-BELLIED FC (1), Gnatcatcher (2), Red-eyed Vireo (~30), PHILADELPHIA VIREO (1, elusive at ridge, seen 2-3 times but never satisfying views, alas), Yellow-throated Vireo (2), Rose-breasted Grosbeak (~10), Scarlet Tanager (3), Baltimore Oriole (1), Brown Thrasher (6), House Wren (6), Swainson's Thrush (6), Wood Thrush (2), Veery (1), Ruby-throated Hummingbird (2). Also large numbers of Robins and Flickers moving through, & a few Blue Jays.

Gail Mackiernan and Barry Cooper
Colesville, MD