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Brown Thrasher still in West Bethesda


Michael Bowen


Michael Bowen


Fri, 26 Jan 2007 19:31:47 -0500

We might perhaps have expected the Brown Thrasher that was first seen 
in our yard in West Bethesda on New Year's Day, 2007, to have moved 
on by this time.  But we still see it a few times a day -- sometimes 
he/she is scratching under our azalea bushes, but more often feeding 
voraciously on one of our suet feeders, particularly those that are 
close to bushes that he/she can hide under if danger 
threatens.  Danger in our parts consists of several accipiters who 
regularly check all yards in the vicinity in hopes of a tasty morsel.

This bird is distinctly shy, but still seems spry and healthy.  We 
hope it sticks around for a while longer, in fact, until the normal 
migration period for this species, which around here is about mid-April.

The bird was feeding actively at dusk today, Friday, January 26.

Mike and Joy Bowen
Bethesda, MD

D. H. Michael Bowen (Mike)
8609 Ewing Drive
Bethesda MD 20817-3845
Tel/Fax: (301) 530-5764