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Re: Conn., Philly & Lincoln's at Rock Creek today 9/25


David Gersten


David Gersten


Tue, 25 Sep 2007 12:46:40 -0400

When the connecticut flushed a second time to the lone tree near the dirt 
piles I had a great view for 10-15 seconds.  I would add that its wings and 
undertail coverts were long giving it a short-tail appearance.  

Other birds to add from the ridge and maintanance yard:

tennessee warbler
northern parula (2)
magnolia warbler (2)
black-throated green (2)
black-and-white warbler

and someone else reported a chestnut-sided warbler and a yellow-billed 


David Gersten
Sivler Spring, MD
On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 15:25:27 +0000, Gail B. Mackiernan 
<> <> wrote:

>Hi --
>As proof that "good things come to those who wait" -- it appeared as if today
>was going to be a slow one at Rock Creek Park, DC -- we had gone straight 
to the
>Maintenance Yard since it was not a real "migration" night, but very little was
>happening. Very little. Some other birders arrived from the Ridge, Wallace, 
>Dan and others -- I recall they had seen a few warblers, incl. BT Green,
>Chestnut-sided and Parula (?) -- and we all stood around.
>Then things started to perk -- first, a LINCOLN'S SPARROW put in an 
>hopping into the little peach tree and giving some good looks. Then, a largish
>olive and yellow warbler came out of the grass and into a tree -- obviously 
>a Yellowthroat -- first we suspected Mourning but eventually it showed well 
>was confirmed to be an immature CONNECTICUT WARBLER, with complete 
white eyering
>and incipient hood, plus it *walked* down the tree branch. It flew off after a
>short while, into the woods, and did not deign to reappear while we were 
>The icing on the cake was an amazingly cooperative PHILADELPHIA VIREO, 
which sat
>sunning itself in a vine tangle for a long time. The Lincoln's (or its twin)
>reappeared in a different part of the Yard as we were leaving.
>Other migrants seen (we also did Dog Run) included: 5 BT Blues, 5 
>1 Bay-breasted, 2 Blackburnian, 4-5 Red-eyed Vireos, 4 Scarlet Tanagers, 1
>Balto. Oriole, 2 R-B Grosbeaks, 1 Swainson's Thrush, 1 Veery, 2 Phoebes, 2 
>Wrens, about 25 Flickers and two probable Broadwings which zipped low over 
>trees before we got onto them well. Quite a few Catbirds, Robins and Jays 
>as well.
>Everything is very dry in the park, maybe some rain would liven things up!
>Gail Mackiernan and Barry Cooper
>Colesville, MD