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New Yard Bird, AA Co.


Stan Arnold


Stan Arnold


Sat, 30 Aug 2008 21:01:41 -0700

Hi Folks,

I sat down in the front yard late this afternoon to do my customary 
swift/swallow/grackle watch, while reviewing a new records committee 
package.  A small bird landed on the utility wire across the drive, and I 
was sure it was a House Sparrow or House Finch.  It then dove for a bug, 
then returned to the wire.  I subconsciously took notice, but I was rather 
engrossed in what I was reading, and for the moment really didn't want to be 
bothered by some flycatching bird.  But then it made a quick sortie for 
another bug, returning to the wire, and I had to reach for the bins and see 
what was going on.  Hmmm, wing bars on this small, but rather big-headed 
bird.  I only got a quick glimpse before it disappeared, but had an idea of 
what it was; however, I wanted a better look at the face.  I called Elaine, 
and she came out to help me refind the bird which we were then able to get 
in the scope.  Ahhh, nice complete bold eye-ring.  We were looking at our 
yard's first LEAST FLYCATCHER, in fact the first empidonax flycatcher we've 
ever seen in our yard.  This was yard bird #133, #116 for the year, and our 
15th new yard bird of 2008 (what a year!).  While the bird remained fairly 
active, I was able to get off one digiscope before we lost it entirely.

Later in the evening, while still sitting in the same place, a long-expected 
fall arrival graced our yard when four COMMON NIGHTHAWKs flew over the 
house.  A short while later I was watching a swirl of birds hawking insects 
not too far away, and ended up counting TWELVE nighthawks, several of which 
came over the house.  This is the most we've ever registered from our 
Ferndale yard.

Our only other migrants of note occurred over a week ago, on Thursday, 21 
Aug, when Elaine found three warblers in the yard:  MAGNOLIA, 
BLACK-AND-WHITE, and AM. REDSTART.  The latter two have also popped into the 
yard once or twice during the past week.

Hope everyone is enjoying the Labor Day weekend.

Stan Arnold
Ferndale (AA Co.)