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Conowingo Wildflowers and Birds Trip


Maryanne Dolan


Maryanne Dolan


Sun, 11 Apr 2010 19:03:15 -0400

Birds seen or heard on the April 10th Conowingo Wildflowers and Birds Trip
were few and far between due to the limited birding skills of the
last-minute fill-in leader (me!), but happily David Francis joined the walk
and ID'd the wildflowers. You all really need to come up and see the
wildflowers.   The Virginia Bluebells were spectacular. Wildflowers marked
with an * were in full bloom.


Alliara petiolata* - garlic mustard

Amelanchier sp.*- shadbush

Arisaema triloba - Jack-in-the-pulpit

Asarum canadense* - wild ginger

Asimina triloba - paw-paw

Callitriche sp. - water starwort

Cardamine pensylvanica - Pennsylvania bittercress

Cercis canadensis* - redbud

Corydalis flavula* - yellow fumewort (only a single plant of this uncommon

Dicentra cucularia* -  Dutchman's breeches - hundreds of these.

Equisetum arvense - field horsetail

Erythronium americanum - trout lily / dog's tooth violet

Glechoma hederacea* - gill-over-the-ground

Hemerocallis fulva - day lily

Hydrangea arborescens - wild hydrangea

Hydrophyllum virginianum - Virginia waterleaf

Impatiens sp. - jewelweed / touch-me-not  (seedlings)

Lemna sp. - duckweed

Lindera benzoin - spicebush; just about to flower.

Mertensia virginica* - Virginia bluebell - many thousands.

Paulownia tomentosa - polonia

Phlox divaricata* - wild blue phlox - one patch

Podophyllum peltatum - May apple

Polygonum cuspidatum - Japanese knotweed / Mexican bamboo

Potentilla reptans* - creeping cinquefoil

Prunus avium* - sweet cherry

Ranunculus abortivus* - small-flowered crowfoot

Ranunculus ficaria* -  lesser celandine

Rosa multiflora - multiflora rose

Sanguinaria canadensis -  bloodroot; already past flowering.

Taraxacum officinale* - dandelion

Toxicodendron radicans - poison ivy

Trillium flexipes* - declined trillium - thousands.

  (This is one of the known locations of   this rare species).

Urtica dioica - stinging nettle

Veronica hederifolia* - ivy-leaved speedwell

Viola pubescens* - stemmed yellow violet

Viola soraria* - common blue violet

Viola striata* - striped violet


Double-crested Cormorant (many)

Great Blue Heron

Turkey Vulture

Canada Goose

Bald Eagle

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker

Eastern Phoebe

American Crow

Carolina Chickadee

Tufted Titmouse

Carolina Wren

American Roin

Palm Warbler

White Throated Sparrow

Northern Cardinal