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Airport Bobolinks and Great Falls Goodies


Donald Sweig


Donald Sweig


Fri, 30 Apr 2010 22:20:52 -0400

Drove over to Gravelly Point at the north end of National Airport this
afternoon about 3:00 to check on the reported Bobolinks. I found about 12
birds, all males. They were in the grass  inside the fenced in area nearest
the airport. They were in the deep grass but would fly around every time
plane flew over. I could not hear them at all because of the aircraft noise.
Neat all the same.  Then I proceeded out to Great Falls (Maryland side)
where I found a lot of birds,some new. Had several good looks at a singing
Orchard Oriole or two.  More interesting, there were a number of Baltimore
Orioles singing in the various sycamores. I heard probably five or more
birds and had great scope looks a a couple of bright orange males, which I
really enjoyed.  Also heard several loud and constantly singing Warbling
Vireos; saw a couple in my binoculars and actually had a minute or so look
at a singing bird in the scope as well. A loud and persistent Parula was not
seen, nor was an equally loud and persistent Great-crested Flycatcher.  Both
were lost in the now heavy foliage. Otherwise, an adult bald eagle  made
great circles high in the sky; there was a constant flow of Great-blue
herons into and out of the rookery on Conn Island; the sky was often filled
with Chimney Swifts and both species of Vultures as well. On the way out,
ran into a birder I know who had just scoped the eagle nest on Conn Island
and said they saw two chicks in the nest. Rather a nice afternoon I thought.

Donald Sweig
Falls Church, Va.