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Rock Run Mill (SusqSP), 5/13. 21Ws, Tennessee


Timothy Houghton


Timothy Houghton


Thu, 13 May 2010 17:36:44 -0400

A real fun day at Rock Run--I went for the big two-oh for warblers, knowing there aren't many great days left, also thinking that the odds are against me b/c this year has been a little "off" for warblers, given my own experiences and what I've seen on the listserv. But today was obviously very good. By far the best bird was the TENNESSEE warbler. It was on the ridge above Stafford Rd, just a little ways upstream from the parking area. It was singing robustly, but I couldn't see it. I also didn't want to hike up there but what the heck I did anyway, going to the first trail on the right (up Rock Run Road), crossing the creek (be careful!), and heading up--luckily it was still singing and I got a look. That's when I called my wife and had her email the listserv. Next best was the KY warbler in the picnic area--also singing persistently, and it gave me a great view when it (surprisingly) responded to pishing.

I about jumped out of my shoes when, in the picnic area (trail on the right behind the pines), I heard a clear and perfectly singing hooded w. repeating its song over and over--you can guess what it was: two guys with big cameras were parked by the woods, the trunks of their two cars open, food and drinks in the area along with two boom boxes perched on a bench: a tailgate party of sorts, as tho for a sporting event. They didn't get their hooded; I was pretty disappointed, too.

Also surprising: lots of good looks at most of the warblers (not just singing)--many easy Blackpolls, and a good number of Yellow warblers. Lots of singing today.


Blackburnian (couple, high trail)
Chat (great view, singing as usual in picnic area)
Cerulean (3)
Magnolia (1)
Black-Throated Blue (#s)
Prothonotary (2)
Louisiana Waterthrush (5)
Northern Waterthrush (3)
Yellow Warbler (half dozen)
Blackpoll (#s)
Redstart (#s)
Chestnut-Sided (2)
Black-and-White (4+)
Ovenbird (#s)
Common Yellowthroat (#s)
Chat (1, picnic area)
Parula (#s)
Black-Throated Green (3)
Worm-Eating (1, listen for them up the hill along Stafford)

And there were more. I missed some, no question.

Some other birds: Scarlet Tanager (great views), Balt Oriole, Orchard Oriole, Acadian Fly, Least Fly. Wish I'd seen a cuckoo.

(Glen Arm)