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Black Rail: Night-trolling on Elliott Island Road


Leo Weigant


Leo Weigant


Wed, 9 Jun 2010 08:44:35 -0400

	Still trying to regroup after 4 days of birding along
	the Rio Grande in 100-degrees climate,
	 I decided to try birding Elliott Island yesterday
	because the weather looked so favorable and the
	1st week in June has become a traditional date for me.

	Specific targets were Saltmarsh [Sharp-tailed] Sparrow,
	Whip-poor-will and Black Rail.

	No luck with the sparrow, though the late afternoon sun
	was pleasant as always.   The whips were heard distantly
	from the Henry's Crossing Road intersection.

	Which left only the rail to try for.    I waited at the
	"White House" with the bright yard light till well
	after it turned dark then set off, slowly and fitfully.

	After more than a half an hour of hearing no rails at all,
	and really feeling fatigued, I turned around and
	then jumped in my seat when I heard a kee kee derrrr !!
	practically right beside the car.

	Driving home was much more relaxed than I'd feared
	it might be.

	Leo Weigant