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EXTRALIMITAL: Kings Park Kites: Successful nesting Confirmed


Donald Sweig


Donald Sweig


Sun, 8 Aug 2010 22:35:21 -0400

I got a call last night (Sat.) from Bob Augustine, the Rockville, Md. birder
who first located the Kings Park Mississippi kites in 2008.  He said he had
been over there all that day,and had seen both some adults and a juvenile
(2010 hatching-year) bird.  Hoping to see this juvenile as well, I went over
there this afternoon about 5:00, and found Bob there again. He said he had
been there all day today as well.  About 5:30 we managed to locate the
juvenile perched in a snag in the back yard of a house near the corner. I
had obtained permission to enter the yard last week from the owner, so Bob
and I went in for a better look and some photos.  The bird was almost
straight up, but in the clear. We both photographed the bird. Over the next
half-hour we also saw the adults feed the juvenile twice.  Discovery  of
this juvenile and the feeding seem to confirm a successful nesting at this
location for 2010. Bob  also reported finding at least two other pairs of
kites circling low over small areas not too far away.  Considering how rare
any sighting of a Mississippi kite was in Northern Virginia only a few years
ago, their now regular appearance and this successful nesting are very
satisfying to see.

Donald Sweig
Falls Church, Va.