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EXTRALIMITAL: Kings Park Kites, again


Donald Sweig


Donald Sweig


Wed, 18 Aug 2010 17:51:30 -0400

Went over to Kings Park about 1:30 yesterday afternoon.  I immediately heard
a kite calling from in the trees.  A few minutes later the juvenile flew out
and around landing on each of several trees, eventually landing in a bare
branch on an oak.  As I was going back to get my camera, a friend said
,"There's another one."  It was an adult circling low over the trees. By the
time I got back to where I had seen the juvie, the adult had come in and
left some food; I did not see the food transfer, but I did  see the juvie
eating.  Later I saw, and photographed, an adult and the juvenile flying
high in the sky.  I left about 2:30. Don't know how long they will remain
now. I expect they will all leave in the next ten days to two weeks.  They
have given us a very nice show again this summer.
Donald Sweig
Falls Church, Va.