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Eastern Shore Geese


Kevin Kirchner


Kevin Kirchner


Wed, 29 Dec 2010 11:52:07 -0500

Seasonal Gifts
Snow geese numbering ~ 5-10k at Blackwater Christmas day and again yesterday 12/28/10 (Wildlife Drive, WLD). Numerous large patches of Canada Geese probably adding up to similar numbers WLD and surrounds. Wasn't looking for them particularly during these trips but saw more Bald Eagles than I believe I've ever seen at BW (2 decades), mostly on the wing but a good number of perched birds too. 1 Short-eared Owl quartering fields in adjacent surrrounds. 4 or 5 Harriers simiarly disposed. 1 young skinny fox along Key Wallace AM 12/28. Very strong cold winds both days, be prepaired with appropriate clothing. 
The SG flushed occasionally with everybody taking off, having a short flight and landing ~200 feet away, or just circling and relanding in the same spot, these massive eruptions always seem like Christmas pressents to me, they are such wonerful natural spectacles. Last year @ BW in front of the visitor center a husband pressed the flock untill they bolted at which point his wife took his picture. Migratory birds are living on a fine razor thin edge (See Scott Weidensaul's wonderful book Living on the Wind). 