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Re: imp't environmental legislation (long)


Sydney Jacobs


Sydney Jacobs


Mon, 7 Feb 2011 21:45:49 -0500

This is my last post on this subject - -

On Feb 7, 2011, at 7:50 PM, Mark Johnson wrote:
> Would you really love to see plastic banned? Wherever you happen to  
> be sitting right now, scan your surroundings and see how many of the  
> items in your immediate environment wouldn't exist without it.
You are right about how plastics have become so much a part of our  
lives, and there isn't much we can do about that, except try to reduce  
or eliminate them where possible.  And there are many, many ways we  
can do this, that I will NOT enumerate here.

> These suggestions always seem to involve taxes or fees that increase  
> the "revenue" for government programs that "do good things". You  
> have no idea where the "revenue" generated by a plastic bag tax will  
> be spent. You're just naive if you believe it will all go to worthy  
> environmental causes. I've worked for a government agency for 26  
> years and have seen firsthand how that works. I'd rather not see  
> plastic bags dangling from trees either, but I'll be damned if  
> another tax is the answer.
As pointed out before, bag 'taxes' are only levied on the people who  
opt to use them to take home their purchases.  That money goes to  
improving the the environment.  You can't get much more direct than  