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Status of Brown headed Nuthatch in Queen Annes County and Recent Sightings


danny poet


danny poet


Tue, 1 Mar 2011 17:19:01 -0500

       Sorry that this note here is a bit late and a bit long  but  I needed to  do a bit of research to check some facts . The other day a couple of folks mentioned Brown Headed Nuthatches being  a recent arrivial in Q.A. County and or Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center . I have to dispute that notion.  I think there are records at CBEC dating back to  dating to as far back as the  late 1990s but that would have to be checked   in Maryland Bird life  records and or Bob Ringer's Data base .
     However as for Queen Annes County  they are in the western part  of the County  Kent Narrows  areas of  kent Island  Grasonville and a bit north in the proper habitat .  Queen Annes County  used to  be the northern most  population of these southeastern  birds  but that has changed as they are now found in lower Kent County at Eastern Neck Wildlife  Refuge  as found on the most recent  Breeding Bird Atlas 2002 through 2006.
     Now for a bit of history  Frank C. Kirkwood recorded  a pair  making a nest in Q.A. County  on May 28,1892 and also found another pair much  less then a mile a way . Sad to say he did not say the exact  place   where observed them .

     In the Birds of Maryland and DC by Robert Stewart and Chandler Robbins  they mention  that Brown headed  Nuthatches  are Uncommon and local in Tidewater areas  in Q.A. County and also mentions the Kirkwood sighting but gives the date as May 25,1892 .  The map for the Brown head in this 1958   book looks much like the map  in the 2002 2006 Breeding  Bird atlas   minus Eastern Neck Island .  I help out on the Lower Kent County CBC and do the Queen Annes County part of that circle  and about 4 years ago   we went onto a private farm that we had permission  to get on and went out to a point of land just across the Chester River  from Eastern Neck Island where they have the Brown Headed Nuthatches and we had  some in this spot as well  that fits in very well with the northern spot  on that 1958  map . This 1958 map is also shown in the 1983 -1987 breeding bird atlas.
   During the 1983-1987 Breeding Bird Atlas  project no  Brown headed Nuthatches  were observed in Q.A. County   which seem a bit odd . I do know that then a lot of the Eastern shore  was block busted  then and may have just been missed  . But I cannot speak about how the Brown headed area were done  that time however  or weather they were missing . I do think that now they are a bit more common  then in the past .

During the 2nd Breeding Bird Atlas  project  2002-2006  they were found in a number of spots in western  Queen Annes County  inculding CBEC 

References used  

A List of the Birds of Maryland  by Frank C. Kirkwood  1895

Birds of Maryland and DC by Robert Stewart and Chandler Robbins  1958

Maryland Breeding Atlas  #1      1983-1987

Maryland breeding Bird Atlas  #2   2002-2006

I hope  this clears up some of the confusion 

Recent Bird sightings 

Southern Dorchester County  with  the  Talbot County Bird Club  outting  2 -27-11
Highlights and all firsts for  the year for me

Golden Eagle  1    Blackwater  

Short Eared Owl      Shorter's warf    2   and Cedar Creek rd  1

AMERICAN BITTERN      1  Cedar Creek   Rd 

Queenstown  Wye Research Center    2 - 28-11

 Canada Geese  in formation  flying north  in the morning before the  rain came in 

Tundra  Swan    6  headed north 

Fish Crow    2    first of the year in Q.A. County 

Happy Birding
Danny Poet 
Queenstown, Maryland 

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