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MDOsprey limits - a view from afar






Thu, 7 Jun 2012 13:44:10 +0900

Although we all appreciate Norm's time and generosity in maintaining
MDOsprey, what happens when he is no longer at the helm for whatever reason?
The "ain't broke - don't fix it" mentality is no longer valid.  It is broken
because the existing situation disenfranchises both new and young MD birders
who are important components of birding's future.


Consideration should be given to maintaining a listserv under the auspices
of a large organization such as MOS.  A nominal dues increase or dues
supplement could be used for the listserv and to pay a stipend to the
individual(s) who maintain it.  This listserv should provide both a medium
for posting MD bird sightings and a forum for discussing topics in general ,
e.g., environmental/conservation concerns.  The current listserv has served
its purpose well, however, I believe it is time to embrace new technology
and fresh attitudes.   


Many of you are aware that the American Birding Association (ABA) is also
having problems.  For many years, new ideas and suggestions for innovation
by ABA members fell on the ears of a sclerotic board of directors.  This
resulted in a steady decline in membership despite the trend that interest
in birding was increasing.  The new ABA leadership appears to be listening
and attempting to steer the ABA in a different direction.  Early signs are
encouraging as evidenced by a membership increase.


With warm regards,


Tom Marko

Yomitan-son, Okinawa, Japan

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"Friendship and shared interest. The coins of tribute in birding's realm."

Pete Dunne, The Feather Quest


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