Re:Wild Turkeys

Jack C. Leighty/Susan J. Noble (
Mon, 1 Dec 1997 14:47:44 -0500 (EST)

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Christine Taylor:

Huntingtown is on combine Rts. 2/4, 10 miles south of Dunkirk and
about 25 miles north of Solomons in Calvert County.  Where Rt 4
leaves Rt. 95 heading east, Pennsylvania Ave becomes Rt. 4.  It then
heads south-east crossing Rt. 301 and joins Rt. 2 (which runs
southwest from Annapolis) at Sunderland.  The turkeys show up
occasionally at the recycling site on Hunting Creek Rd.  I've been
seeing the same flock there since they were poults.

Jack Leighty
>From: ctaylor
>Date: 12/1/97  1:11:36PM
>To: mdosprey-0
>Subject: Re:Wild Turkeys
>Where is Huntingtown?  
>Chris Taylor