Texas Classic

Sat, 17 Apr 1999 22:32:57 EDT

Hello from Texas!

I've been down here now for a solid 10 days of HARDCORE scouting for the 
Texas Classic.  Our first day of competition begins in less than 3 hours, 
and, like the fools we are, we are already running a bit sleep deprived.  
However, the scouting has gone unbelievably well and we are brimming with 
confidence.  Hopefully not too much confidence.  In any event, after 
tomorrow's 24 hour Big Day on the Upper Coast, we get two days' relief before 
the Central Coast day, then two more beofre the Lower Coast.  Highlights have 
been Clay-colored Robins, Tropical Parula, White-collarded Seedeater, 
Hook-billed Kite, parrots, lingering ducks, Swallow-tailed Kite, 
White-breasted Nuthatch (great bird), Red-cockaded Woodpecker, BAchman's 
Sparrow, and a score of Swainson's Warblers.  Truly magnificent birding.

Thanks to all those who gave their support last year and this.  Hopefully 
we'll come home with another Texas Birding Classic Championship!


Marshall Iliff