[MDOsprey] Least Terns

Dave Mozurkewich (dm@fornax.usno.navy.mil)
Sun, 20 Jun 1999 16:54:20 -0400 (EDT)

The Least Tern(s), present at the Greenbelt metro station PG MD since May
23 continue. Two birds were present on Saturday, June 29. 

The first sighting I am aware of was a single bird on May 23.  Two birds
were present May 29.  Since then, there has only been one bird at a time. 
It would spend long periods at the metro station, but also long periods
absent.  Some time would be spent fishing, but most of the time it would
be circling overhead, perching on posts near the water's edge and other
typically tern-ish activities.  Whenever it was seen departing, it was
heading north.

Now, they have changed their behavior.  Yesterday, both birds were back. 
They flew in some time between 7:45 and 7:50, spent less than 10 minutes,
actively fishing the whole time.  They returned at 8:33 for a repeat
performance that lasted about 7 minutes.  I lost them behind trees and was
not able to tell where they went.

Least Terns have an incubation period of 19 and 21 days.  The timing
strikes me as suggestive of nesting in the area, but I do not know where.
It appears they are not nesting at the metro site.  On previous visits,
they departed to the North.

I am heading out of town for a spell so will not be able to follow up on
this.  If anyone has the dedication, perseverance or resources to search
for a nest, they should do so and I would be most grateful to hear the

The terns have been visiting one of the two settling ponds at the metro
station.  After parking, head S to SW, parallel to the tracks, until you
run out of pavement.  You should see a cyclone fence topped with barbed
wire.  Walk along the fence until you find one of the two places where you
get a good view of the pond.

David Mozurkewich
Seabrook, MD  USA