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Red-headed Woodpecker


Marcy Stutzman


Marcy Stutzman


Mon, 6 Jun 2005 10:24:28 -0400

I was down at the Oxbow around 6:30-8:30 this morning. Spotted a Red-headed 
Woodpecker on one of the tallest snags out on the peninsula this morning. I 
got a very good look at it while it was on the tree and when it flew away.

Also, saw 2 mama Wood Ducks and 2 mama Mallards with the kids in tow. In 
each set, one had about 12 and the other had about 6 ducklings.

The eagle was sitting on the snag just to the left of the observation area. 
Got a really close look before it flew away. As I walked around the trail 
to the left, I saw it 2 more times as it flew from tree to tree.

Other birds I saw:

American Robin
Northern Cardinal
Gray Catbird
Killdeer (heard them, looked for them, never saw them)
Eastern Wood Pewee
American & Fish Crows
Red-winged Blackbird
Canada Geese
Carolina Wren (It seems to live next to the snag where the Prothonatary was 
building a nest. I think at one point, the Prothonatary was chasing the 
wren, but I didn't get a good enough look).
Belted Kingfisher
Tree Swallow
Blue Jay
Green Heron
Great Blue Heron
Red-bellied Woodpecker