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Lake Roland & Howard Co., 10/03/06


Kevin Graff


Kevin Graff


Wed, 4 Oct 2006 09:49:47 -0700

Hi all,

Baltimore Bird Club's fifth in a series of weekly
walks to follow the progress of Fall Migration, next
walk on 10/10/06, at 830am.

10/03/06 - 8am-12pm
Robert E. Lee Park "Lake Roland" Hollins Ave & 
Lakeside Dr., Riderwood, Baltimore Co., MD

LEADERS: Dot Gustafson
WEATHER: PC, 64-78 degrees, calm- variable 6 mph

   1  Canada Goose
  32  Mallard
   2  Great Blue Heron
   1  Great Egret
   2  Black-crowned Night Heron - ad and imm.
   1  Osprey
   1  Broad-winged Hawk 
   3  Red-tailed Hawk
   1  Merlin
   2  Killdeer
   1  Greater Yellowlegs
   1  Lesser Yellowlegs
   1  Herring Gull - seen by one observer
   1  Rock Pigeon - flyby
  12  Mourning Dove
   5  Chimney Swift
   3  Belted Kingfisher
   5  Red-bellied Woodpecker
   1  Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
   5  Downy Woodpecker
   2  Hairy Woodpecker
   7  Northern Flicker
   2  Pileated Woodpecker - one being chased by Merlin
   3  Eastern Phoebe
   1  Blue-headed Vireo
   1  Red-eyed Vireo
  11  Blue Jay
   8  Carolina Chickadee
   2  Tufted Titmouse
   2  White-breasted Nuthatch
   2  Carolina Wren
   3  Ruby-crowned Kinglet
   3  Eastern Bluebird
   1  Swainson's Thrush - seen by one observer
   2  Wood Thrush - seen by two observers
  15  American Robin
  17  Gray Catbird 
   1  Northern Mockingbird
   4  European Starling
  53  Cedar Waxwing - 3 flocks
   1  TENNESSEE WARBLER - great look, seen well by all
   1  Northern Parula
   1  Chestnut-sided Warbler
   9  Magnolia Warbler
   4  Black-throated Blue Warbler
   1  Black-throated Green Warbler
   1  American Redstart
   1  Common Yellowthroat
   5  warbler sp.
   1  Scarlet Tanager
   1  Eastern Towhee
   2  Song Sparrow
  11  Northern Cardinal
   1  Orchard Oriole
   2  House Finch
  12  American Goldfinch
 275  55 species

   1  Eastern Chipmunk
   9  Gray Squirrel

   1  American Toad - juv.

   1  Vir. Tiger Moth (Yellow Bear - dark red-brown)
   1  Fall Webworm (caterpillar)

   2  Pearl Crescent
  17  Monarch - continues to head S
   2  Sachem

10/03/06 - 1240pm-3pm
Rockburn Branch Park "Clover Hill Trail & North Trail"
Rockburn Branch Park Rd., Elkridge, Howard Co., MD

WEATHER: PC, 77-79 degrees, variable 6 mph- SSW 8 mph

   3  Black Vulture
   3  Turkey Vulture
   1  Red-tailed Hawk
   4  Mourning Dove
   3  Chimney Swift
   1  Red-bellied Woodpecker
   2  Downy Woodpecker
  26  Northern Flicker
   1  Pileated Woodpecker
   4  Eastern Phoebe
   1  Red-eyed Vireo
   8  Blue Jay
   2  American Crow
   6  Carolina Chickadee
   5  Tufted Titmouse
   2  White-breasted Nuthatch
   2  Carolina Wren
   1  Ruby-crowned Kinglet
   1  Swainson's Thrush
   1  Wood Thrush
  71  American Robin
   8  Gray Catbird
   4  Northern Mockingbird
   2  Brown Thrasher
  10  European Starling
   7  Cedar Waxwing - flyby
   1  Chestnut-sided Warbler
   3  Magnolia Warbler
   4  Black-throated Blue Warbler
   3  Black-throated Green Warbler
   1  Palm Warbler - western 
   1  Common Yellowthroat
   3  warbler sp. - very high up in tallest trees
   1  Eastern Towhee
   1  Field Sparrow - powerline cut area
   1  Song Sparrow
  17  Northern Cardinal
   1  Rose-breasted Grosbeak
   1  Indigo Bunting - still around
   1  House Finch
   2  American Goldfinch - flyover
 220  40 species

   8  Gray Squirrel

   4  Orange Sulphur
  16  Monarch

   Afterward, no Great Black-backed Gull or any other
gulls found anywhere on or around Target. The dumpster
behind Target is empty. Headed back to get my dad and
his friend at SHA in downtown Baltimore, while driving
N on I-95 at Balto/Howard border, there are 11
Ring-billed Gulls, possible one Laughing Gull due to
good size and dark underwings and one subadult Great
Black-backed Gull circling overhead. Cannot tell if it
over Balto or Howard, they kept circling around as I
was driving 60+ on 65? zone on I-95 bridge (hardly any
   A lot activities going on along Clover Hill Trail
at Rockburn Brach Park closest to the stream with
three seperate flocks.

       Kevin Graff
       Jarrettsville, MD

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