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Frederick, QA and Kent Counties


Jim Green


Jim Green


Wed, 26 Oct 2011 19:29:07 -0400

Hi Everybody: 

I started on Tuesday morning in Frederick County on Tower Road hoping to find a Blue-headed Vireo and was able to find one. I had no warblers or other migrants except for both Kinglets. I then went to Kershner's Pond and after scanning with the scope through about 1200-1500 Canada Geese I found all 4 of the GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GEESE (GWFG) that Marcia Balestri had found earlier.  

I then headed east and after crossing the Bay Bridge spent an hour or so at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center. Amidst the Brown-headed Nuthatches and Ruby-crowned Kinglets I saw 1 Magnolia and 1 Blackpoll Warbler. I spent the time before dusk looking for the GWFG reported by Matt Hafner (Chestertown Sewage Treatment) over the w/e but had no luck.

I spent the morning in Eastern Neck NWR (Kent County). Things were surprisingly quiet. The only warbler I saw was a Common Yellowthroat. While birding the Butterfly Garden area I found a CLAY-COLORED SPARROW among about 25 Chipping Sparrows and 2 Juncos. On the way home I failed again at finding the GWFG mentioned above.

On the way home I received a message from Joe Hanfman about Northen Shovelers that were at Centennial Lake, which I needed for Howard County. When I arrived David Cummings was there and there were a total of 5 of them. Thanks Joe!

Jim Green
Gaithersburg, MD

work in moderation, BIRD IN EXCESS!!!


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